
How to refresh resources in Eclipse's workspace

Since we add own file system implementation to EFS there's need to refresh different resources in workspace to provide better feedback to user.

Naive usage of IResource.refreshLocal(Monitor) caused cryptic exceptions a about conflicting rules. This for example happens when you first start refreshing a file and while it is processed you request to refresh it's folder. It took some time and several re-opened bugs in project I am working to figure out proper way to do refreshes. The fact that IResource also implements ISchedulingRule also adds to confusion. First problem-less implementation used Workspace.getRefreshManager().refresh(resource). Refresh manager maintains queue for refresh requests that run consequently so they do not conflict. Unfortunately Workspace is not part of public API so it lead me to look for other solutions. Parameter "monitor" in IResource.refreshLocal() lead me to inspect Job class that is used for long running background tasks. It turned out that Job has method Job.setRule(ISchedulingRule). So I created a job and set resource being refreshed as scheduling rule, this still caused refresh conflicts. So finally working code looks like this:
public static void refresh(final IResource resource) {
        final Job job = new Job("Refreshing " + resource) {
            protected IStatus run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
                try {
                    resource.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor);
                    return new Status(IStatus.OK, "my.shiny.plugin", "Refreshed " + resource);
                } catch (final CoreException e) {
                    return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "my.shiny.plugin", "Error refreshing "
                            + resource, e);
Last tar pit you might step into is names of rule factory. "createRule" returns rule for resource creation operation (although it worked in my case). The method that returns rule for refresh is "refreshRule".

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